go
to
the
mall.”
“ok,
do
you
mind
me
driving
you
there?
and
spend
the
day
with
you?”
“of
course
not!
that
will
make
my
day~~”两人昨天才在约会软件上认识,虽然说一见钟情很煽情,但是两人从谈话,性格和性爱上好像都很合得来,李晗也觉得自己是真的运气好哈哈。难道刚见面的第一个金发帅哥就是最后一个了吗?可是还想多体验体验呢。
起床冲凉,刚下床,私处真的有点肿胀,走起路来有点痛,昨天一天被操了太多次啦…
趁李晗冲凉的时间,luis起床做了两个人的早餐
三明治,美好的一天正在开始~~
吃完早餐,两人驱车前往附近的商场,李晗买了一些收藏柜和衣服,luis在旁提着包,给李晗提着建议“hmm
this
green
dress
looks
good
on
you,
that
blue
one
as
well,
mm
think
the
red
one
is
the
best..”
“hey
calm
down
luis!”李晗哭笑不得
“i
mean
for
real,
they
all
look
so
good
on
you,
have
seen
your
body,
100%
sure
about
it~”
you
are
so
cheeky!”说完李晗对着luis的嘴唇亲吻了两下。
两人大包小包的提着,
又去超市采购了一些食材,李晗说今晚要在自己的公寓款待一下luis,给他做一下中餐!</p>